Monday, January 30, 2012

we grow accustomed to the dark

she  has lots of friends and is the soul of every party
she has a sharp wit and is quick with her repartee
she radiates confidence and has a brilliant smile
she’s really well dressed and has an easy-going style
she’s smart and fit and cool and is really well liked

but if you look well enough one thing you’ll notice is that
when with people she always holds her left hand behind her back
unless she’s wearing a full-sleeved shirt which is rare
coz she can’t stand those things and then of course
she claims that she doesn’t care

but if you ask her
about that mark on her forearm
that she sometimes calls her dragonfly
for once she goes very quiet and has no witty reply
don’t ask me she says and i won’t have to lie

but if you get to know her
a little better and if she lets you in
she’ll talk of what a dangerous place the mind is
dark cavernous soul-numbing cold drenched in tears
swarmed by vague arbitrary pains and undefined fears

and like it or not we all have our demons to face
some more quotidian than others she says
and though i manage alright most of the time
they get the better of me once in a while
and then off comes the mask and poof! goes the smile

you pass the man everyday blowing happy bubbles
off the bubbles fly as he sinks deeper into his troubles
you’ve seen the demons in the lines on his face
and though his are about livelihood and security
yours about love and life are no more petty
and it is in bubbles that you both seek solace

you see his hair shining backlit in the morning sun and the glowing strand
of smoke from the shack and from the cigarette in his hand
shining in the light silvery as it rises twisting and turning
uncoiling like fate on an ominous ephemeral scroll
that’s how life gets sucked out of your soul

you think blue is sad and grey melancholy?
i’ve seen abject dejection clad in bright yellow and the most depressing
orange afternoons when the soul is chilled by a terrible weariness
and i can’t stand to see a face can’t stand talking to people
conversations make no sense and the will is rendered feeble

their faces expressionless like passengers slumped against windows
like empty wine bottles cluttered in the corner or dying plants in plastic jars
i’ve seen use and throw lives spent frequenting shady bars
lit by a dim red light dark shadows playing under everyone’s eyes
in dirty cramped cubicles with swinging doors and dusty table tops and greasy floors
half-remembered stumbling in and out of their seedy loos

it’s reality more than me that’s fragmented
so whose version are you going to believe?
your mind that’s conniving with the world to deceive you 
or your senses that only ensure that you perceive
enough to go on with your shuttered existence

it was all ok until it turned into a disaster
the doc said i should’ve been diagnosed faster
and it was decided that the world may be madder but i needed help
and just like that one fine day i was too dangerous
to be left alone with myself

and for the sake of others’ peace of mind
i was put on a healthy doze of fluoxetine and sertraline
i was formally introduced to zoloft and prozac and paxil
that keep you on your feet the magic pills
that empty the soul when it’s filled
with that terrible weariness

but what if i say that i’ve had enough
and what if i just disappear right off the face of the earth
or just right off your social network for what it’s worth
how long if at all will i be missed for there is no dearth
of self-proclaimed artists and poets and such-like freaks
and i was just another one and would you be

terribly disappointed inconsolably let down
if i chose to not wear the thorny crown
and decided instead to go my own way
and die an unknown death amongst
a handful of people who barely know my name
but will burn me when i’m dead and relegate the ashes to the wind
and then the trapped dragonfly will finally take wing

know that joy is but fleeting it is sorrow that is deep
and the most important lessons in life i learnt dealing with grief
so it’ll only make you stronger though initially you may be torn
but kindly say no more than a line or two
when talking of me when i’m gone

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