Sunday, August 31, 2014

too not enough

i’m pulled in too many directions
i’m torn in too many ways
i drink too much in the nights
i sleep away too  many days

too many thoughts in my head to think straight
too many windows in the buildings to even begin to paint
too much movement and too many colours in all
the fluttering shadows of the trees on the white walls
too many shifts in the light in the hallowed halls
too many people saying too many things
much too loud until my ears ring

too many doubts
too many debts
too many deaths
too many marriages

too many loves
too many heartbreaks
too many negotiations
too many aches

too many contradictions
too many voices too many doctrines
too many opinions too many arguments
too many hints
too many …

and not enough of me
but that’s vanity
not enough sanity
but who wants that anyway?

too much anger
not enough sorrow
too much pain
not enough love
too much heartache

and yet not enough to write with

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