Wednesday, August 20, 2014

evidently not

don’t you get tired of it all?

don’t you get
of it all?

of strange hands held
in the drunken anonymity of friends’ friends’ parties
if not in the alleys behind dingy bars
strange hands held and run away from?

of desperately seeking love
despite the evident dangers
again and again and again
and again, amongst strangers?

of missing being kissed
being held?
and yet not knowing whose hands they are that you miss
sitting alone on a dark windy porch unlit?

don’t you get tired of it?              
of it all?

of running and hiding and seeking repeatedly?
of lusting and being unable to love? unable to love, for fuck’ sake
of holding and in the same instant hoping to break free?
of these cycles of burning and yearning and the heartache?

don’t u?
get tired?
of it all?

you get                
of it       

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