Sunday, November 24, 2013

the trouble with being free

and then you’ll come to a bend in the road
sitting at the edge on a large stone
staring at the snowclad mountains beyond
your heart’ll wonder if it’s here that you belong

but it won’t be
for there is no place you’re going
there’s no place you have to be
there’s nowhere you belong
you are finally free

Thursday, November 21, 2013

like i promised

/mero mutu

it’s somewhere between the heart and the mind
somewhere between my passion and my soul
somewhere between love and life
the place that for you i hold

somewhere between longing and having met
somewhere between hurt and sorrow
somewhere between jealousy and regret
the place that you will never know

Monday, November 18, 2013

one of those moments

that you wish would last forever

and after the freezing cold night the sun emerged
the night’s melancholy was suppressed, if not submerged
in the golden light as we
lay beneath the chestnut tree
i lied to you and you lied to me
the cook’s radio played a distant plaintive tune
while we ignored the sense of impending doom
the birds they chirped and the leaves they fluttered
lying on the dry grass only platitudes were uttered

i had my jacket rolled under my head
you had that hand-woven shawl black and red
the vapoury white clouds streamed by, the black eagles soared
and out came the buzzing flies, and the little-yellow-bastards we so abhorred
and as a general thaw occurred it concurred
with a feeling of well being kinda’ absurd
like everything was going to stay this way
like all’s well with the world and nothing’d go wrong today
like our thoughts weren’t cluttered and no harm could be done
like everything was sorted in that moment in the sun

through the leaves we saw the sky bright blue
you lied to me and i lied to you
we talked of things from our past over the shared cigarette
steering clear of the weekend since we’d met
like memories of the distant past
would somehow make this moment last
like if we stayed still and did not move
that silken threads connecting me to you
that the jumping spider left behind
would hold us together and forever bind
us here on the grass in the dappled sunlight
where lying together to each other we lied
trying in vain to make light of our fears
and then we’d fall silent holding back tears
and loosely hold hands your fingers tracing mine
memorizing each joint each dusty line
and with our eyes followed the branches of the chestnut tree
and then the eagles weaving in and out of the leaves
each refusing to believe
that soon you would have to leave

Friday, November 15, 2013

things left unsaid

i’m cutting loose she said
with a song and a goodbye
nothing to be done, so i didn’t even try
just sagely said, so be it
and not, the more stupid

you just broke your lonely stranger’s heart
but that’s ok because
it’s exactly as i feared, what the distance forebode
i kinda’ knew that this would happen before long
that you’d find someone else or just get bored
of me and my silly songs

but i’ll be waiting here by the side of the road
if you ever decide to look for me again
with my heart a little more
broken a little more
hardened a little
more brittle

and you’ll find me but
a bit more morose a bit
more of a recluse
a bit more
of a whore

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

so who cares?

they say you just get by and
they give themselves such airs
they say you’re really shy and
the loss is all theirs

they haven’t seen the words with which
you adorn your poetry
and the emotions that you feel are
beyond their reality

i have seen you step out of your clothes
with not the slightest hint of modesty
and the look as you undress me
has desire in its naked honesty

so they say you’re such a mess but
your poetry’s widely read
and they say you’re a wasted drunk but
you’re really good in bed

Saturday, November 9, 2013

days well spent

we looked in burrows for jirds and voles
followed elephants to their watering holes
shared a pear at the water’s edge
slept basking in the sun, legs hanging over the ledge
the grass was dried golden the valley at our feet all aglow
and twittering birds flitted in the thickets below
in the steep cliff face that was almost a wall
as we lay with our faces under your checkered shawl
and fluffy white clouds floated by casting shadows
that went in waves over the valleys and the meadows
and the steaming broccoli hills behind which we’d watch
the sun plunge each day unless there was a fog
then i’d  kiss your matted hair and you’d brush against my stubble
as we walked back home breaking the ice on the puddles

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

i wonder

i’d always justified your actions from this point of view
that people are essentially nice, though sometimes curt
that no one harms another intentionally and that
it’s just misplaced good that causes hurt

that’s how i’d justified everything that happened
in that light all your actions i’d seen
but now i wonder you know i wonder if i was wrong
i wonder if you’re just plain damn mean

Sunday, November 3, 2013

not really a sevenling

/why i’d love to fall in love with you

they mocked me coz i said i liked your collar bones
and then later i saw your eyes
and your toes

and that you walked barefoot and smoked
biris and sometimes wore worn
jootis and won’t let me

see what you wrote