Tuesday, August 5, 2014

stupid fucking day

it started out bad, with a melancholic morning
drifting in on grey clouds
the dog wagged its tail at the passing women laconically
and they walked past the house

the reprints were late
really late
so i had to
go for a smoke to kill time. had to
and i messed up three games of sudoku
and you realize they’re messed up only right at the end
like love
and then they were messed up
the colours all wrong
the reprints

nobody would give
the little old guy with the twisted legs
and screwed up eyes
a lift
to just a little way down the road
did he have friends? family? there? a wife?
and when he finally did get the lift
you should’ve seen him struggling onto the back of that bike

the galleries obviously didn’t want them
they wouldn’t even if the colours weren’t so off
we’re not taking any new artists
was the politest response
no space
maybe later
put in a requisition
make a submission
the committee will decide
they were all nos

the woman unconsciously touched her lips in that gesture
when your foot touches someone
when she brushed past the sleeping dog
then the guy tried to stamp it away
some people just don’t get dogs
and he had only one good eye
the dog

forget the traffic
it was worse than usual
people overtaking me just to cut me off
or stop short
and then the chain came off
as i was racing past a bus
on a flyover

the only person dressed like me
all day
was the mad woman at the red light

and now the stupid fucking pomeranian
won’t shut up when it knows that it’s just tied up all day
and ignored
it won’t stop jumping in place
jingling it’s stupid fucking chain
while she talks to someone at the gate

sit still stupid dog
this world is just not for twisted-legged little old guys
struggling artists
and stupid fucking poms

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