Thursday, June 21, 2012

after the formal feeling

and after the formal feeling the pain returns
the nerves like incandescent filaments burn
the heart wrung out wonders
how he’d even for a moment thought
that the pain could be left behind, forgot

eyes wide in a silent scream strident
the lips pursed, watch each moment
drag out in frozen seconds fractioned
lost in thoughts that can find no traction
torpid in volcanic bouts of screeching torment

like rescued persons who should’ve died
the realization of having survived
pours into the heart like molten lead
the tantalizing promise of solace not kept
the singeing misery of a cheated death
to be borne in all the time yet left

after great pain, by emily dickinson


Kulbhushansingh said...

"to be borne in all the time yet left"

batalaland said...

thanks kullu.