Sunday, December 22, 2013

if only we’d met sooner

maybe you would’ve liked me better when i was young
when i’d have jumped barbed walls and fences
braved mosquitoes and cold nights
for the sake of silly dalliances

when i’d on a whim take overnight buses
in the vague unrequited hope of half-amused kisses

when i was more willing, under the aegis
of my naiveté, to take my chances 
put aside my dignity and wonder if every passing
fling would be one of life’s great romances

ignorant of how in every beginning lurk the seeds of an end
and every birth a death portends

that with colours of a desolate dusk
every dawn will forever be replete
mindless that every heart-ache comes
in the garb of a promise sweet

maybe then i’d have had the leisure
and the heart to indulge in love or the pleasure

of a couple of cigarettes shared in the rain
then, unmindful of the impending doom
maybe, the craving for your body
would’ve brought me to your room

at some late hour of some lonely night forlorn 
or maybe just the vanity in my own 


Anonymous said...

I have read this over a hundred times and I will read it atleast a thousand times more!

batalaland said...

well that's a cool way to claim a poem :)