Tuesday, October 18, 2011

as if

all wars will end,
we’ll leave no one to fight.
the disinherited will emerge-
come forth from the shadows
n sieze their rights.
the reign of money will end,
the shackles of credit will break,
the vagabond pothead will join ranks
with the disenchanted wage-slave,
n the earth will shake beneath our step.
ur high-rises will be left desolate,
u arrogant bastards will all be dead,
ur paved streets left murky red.
the hungry will all be fed,
with a fire at their hearth.
the homeless will bed,
with a roof above their heads
n the meek shall finally inherit the earth.

huh! only fools would take this to be a solution.
but it’s time, coz we’re done; it’s time for a revolution!

we’ll turn it all around.
the temples of ur gluttony
will crumble to the ground.
ur thrones’ll tumble, ur palaces will fall,
and the indignant masses will stand tall.
the godless children of ur greed, ur nemesis,
we’ll be there to witness, and seize it all.

huh! only fools would take this to be a solution.
but it’s time, coz we’re done; it’s time for a revolution!

yo, sweet li’l missy, hold down your skirt,
n u, mighty kings, grab tight ur crowns,
for we’re gonna turn the world,
turn it upside down!

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