Saturday, September 13, 2014

some more bland poetry, dear reader

it’s nearly midnight
there’s rubbish blown against the pavement
just beyond the little shrine by the streetlight
whose glow is dimmed by hundreds of dead
moths collected in the glass casing that’s cracked

the cracked pavement is dusty
there’s fine dirt heaped in the drain along the road
i feel the dust between my foot and my slipper worn
and between the slipper and the cracked pavement underneath
even the air feels gritty under my eyelids
and tastes crusty on my teeth

i’m having a last smoke before i go up to my dingy room
- yes, i know, too many dingy rooms of late
go on then, gimme a better word, if you so hate
repetition - so like i was saying
i’m having a last smoke before i go up to my dingy room
- there, another repetition. why not, eh? why? -
i’m having a last smoke before i go up to my dingy room
and i see him walking by

he’s well dressed, even a belt on his jeans that seem mostly clean
even the shirt is mostly right
just slightly pulled out at the back; but his walk gives him away
he’s piss drunk, full tight

and then around the corner comes
his friend / brother / boyfriend?
on the bike following him slowly
trying to comprehend

- excuse me, i meant convince -
tryin to convince him to come home
- guess i’ve myself had a bit too much -
trying to convince him to come home, patiently
tolerating, ignoring, even accepting as such

all his self-indulgent ramblings
his furious invective, his allegations of malice
his abuses, wild, lewd and vile
his threats of hurting him and himself
his tirade against love and life

and something about this interaction
presented to me, on a dusty pavement thus
reminds me, even in my drunken simple-mindedness
it reminds me, now lemme get this right, of us
no, not us, of course, not you and me
but maybe you, and bukowski 


Divya said...

I love it. I love the thought-process infusion that makes it anything but bland.

batalaland said...

thank u :)