Saturday, November 9, 2013

days well spent

we looked in burrows for jirds and voles
followed elephants to their watering holes
shared a pear at the water’s edge
slept basking in the sun, legs hanging over the ledge
the grass was dried golden the valley at our feet all aglow
and twittering birds flitted in the thickets below
in the steep cliff face that was almost a wall
as we lay with our faces under your checkered shawl
and fluffy white clouds floated by casting shadows
that went in waves over the valleys and the meadows
and the steaming broccoli hills behind which we’d watch
the sun plunge each day unless there was a fog
then i’d  kiss your matted hair and you’d brush against my stubble
as we walked back home breaking the ice on the puddles

1 comment:

Divya said...

Weehee!! Sounds so fun and happy :)