Sunday, May 6, 2012

the madman

i don’t want money for my poems
i want money for food
it’s your poems i’m talking about
not sex, you fool

sex can be had for sex
but poems can’t be given for free
they must be sold for money
exchanged for a fee

you speak with conviction sir
and are certainly hard to refute
but if i started charging for my poems
won’t i be called a prostitute?

no i’m afraid once again
you’re confusing your passions
while in one case you must be honest
in the other, to be promiscuous, is the fashion

so pimp your poems, auction them off
as you can, peddle them to as many
parade them naked on a stage
and sell them for money

but be careful when sleeping around
for anything but serial monogamy
will bring upon you nothing
but scandalous infamy

and i'll let you in on a secret
stick to non-penetrative sex
for the non-negative will only
create bonds unnecessarily intense

so this way you can stay aloof
write poetry and be free to roam
right then, coming back to the point
how much do you want for your poems?

1 comment:

Beatriz said...

What a dialogue!