Wednesday, April 18, 2012

blinding white and very dusty

getting over these white hot days
is not going to be very tough and anyway
i’m something of a pro in these matters, i trust
you know. so go on, leave if you must

guess i’ll find another muse
and anyway the seasons will never refuse
to go on changing forever. and every time it rains
lashing the dry fields it’ll yield enough pain

to draw from me a line or two
there’s time until the rains, it’s true
but even until then the scorching sunlight dusty
or the copperpod buds that a week ago were rusty

and now carpet the hot ground pale brown with a soft yellow
or the kites soaring in the late evenings mellow
are enough to keep me going until the grey skies overcast
finally enfold me in cool deep shadows dark

and then soon as i smell the soil quenching its thirst
and hear the drops splatter the leaves in the year’s first
rain, i’ll rush out to get drenched squelching dripping wet
and these days hot and rasping dry i’ll promptly forget

the whole world has loved and lost so it’s nothing new
see, there are things that i long for other than you
other things i’ll get over and other things that i’ll forget
other things i am slave to to pay off their debt

so go on, not a line for you will i write
a hundred poems of parting a thousand lamenting sighs
a hundred thousand songs of longing all long overdue
a million aching syllables and not one of them for you

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