Sunday, October 26, 2014

how fallibly human

how fallibly human
i lived and laughed
and travelled and sketched
and loved and lost
and then from time to time
i renounced it all
and came a-wandering after you

and then all i lacked
were the saffron wraps
and i could’ve passed
as a mendicant
but time and again
away i was sent
you turned me away
and so off i went

and i lived and laughed
and travelled and sketched
and loved and lost
until the longing
brought me back
and then all i lacked
were the saffron wraps
and i could’ve passed
as a mendicant

oh how i’m smitten
how insanely in love am i
i cannot live and i cannot die

oh how i’m smitten
how i’m insanely in love
i cannot win and i cannot give up

so i just live and laugh
and travel and sketch
and love and lose
like a happy wretch
for what else is there
in this life to do
until i die
longing for you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
