Friday, July 13, 2012

how does my smile sound?

my poems seem so flat
since i saw you
pricking your words into
the paper in patterned dots
i wish i too could tattoo
my pain into it
the way you
punch in your thoughts

i hesitate to go up
to you and talk
coz i’m afraid i can’t
fool you with  my smile
and you’ll see me
for who i really am
and all my pretenses
will be futile

you sit there so
composed so serene
and when i start talking
your eyes
don’t give you away
and so i turn
to your lips to see
what you think of me

i wish i could do
an etching of you
or a woodcut maybe
and taking your hand
show you the curls
of your hair or the lines
of your nose or of
your profile as you stand

and while i wonder
if you wonder
what the person you’re
talking to looks like
you ask me about
the tree outside
because you heard
the rustling leaves

1 comment:

batalaland said...

thank you.
and what a lovely blog you have!